Below are some of my ideas.
1. Rebalancing the mental stamina of the idol (not much impact on the current game right now) (related to 3. Idol’s preferences too)
2. True End after the story mode (Idol’s ending) (Again, related to 3. Idol’s preference)
3. Idol’s preference on genre (music / lyrics / choreography)
1.Rebalancing mental stamina
Currently the mental stamina is not impactful on the game. I suggest every activity (like releasing singles) should decrease the mental stamina on the idol. Moreover, If the idol personal preference is not match with the singles / concert, for example, A idol with preference on metal music, but the new singles are of different genre, the idol will suffer more damage on mental stamina.
In addition, 100% of mental stamina should mean 100% of the idol’s ability status, while low mental stamina will yield a percentage of the idol’s ability. (e.g., 50% stamina may cause the idol’s originally 100 dancing skills to 50 dancing skills)
This should cause the player to slow down the money-making process and force them to choose the right member regardless of the flat ability of the idol. Thus, the player could not spam singles and concert on making huge amount of money.
2. True End
After the current story mode, there game has no goal and I suggest having a true ending.
The ending should be focus on the idol / the idols’ group. For example, I imagine a scenario when after the story, the main character is challenged by the top rival idol manager (from a particular genre of music) from the world. The player then have to, for example, choose to challenge a world class metal band.
Numerous events could be added during this scenario, for example, the rival manager may recruit your idols, and you have to choose your faithful idol/ idols to conquer the specific genre of music. As mentioned previously, each idol should have its preference on genre, the idols with different preference may leave the group as well.
If the player beat the rival manager, which will yield a true genre-specific ending for the group / idol.
This will encourage the player too play on specific genre to see all endings, and different genre should have different event along the route too.
In addition, Aya / rival (main character) / Fujimoto should also have True ending after the story.
3. Idol Preference
As mentioned previously, each idol should have preference on particular type of music / lyrics / dance, this also add difficult to the game as the player now could not choose the idol with the highest ability, but also have to consider whether the idol match the group’s image too.
Thank you very much for your reading