Previous export tip supercharged: here's export for referencing a node in the node tree:
export(NodePath) onready var player = get_node(player) as KinematicBody2D
- Create a variable and assign it
- Follows static typing - you get nice class-specific hints in the script editor instead of useless garbage
- No need to remember how your node tree is laid out
- You can rename or move that node elsewhere on the tree and it'll still be connected
- All of that in one single line
The only downside to this is that it doesn't play nice if your script is a tool script. Other than that, it's super useful if you're a diehard OOP follower or rely on singular nodes to do your bidding instead of making one giant script for readability.
And here's a load and preload alternative with the use of export:
export(PackedScene) var bullet_entity
No need to refactor your code if that file moves! If you use Godot's file system to move files, other scenes should update automatically with the new file path.