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Damn, this great! Plenty of laughs with some seriousness thrown in-between!  I'm rather conflicted though on who to choose, feel like I need to know more about each character (not to mention the 3rd one that is yet to be seen).  I'm conflicted over Maris being best friend (a go to stkic of mine) and fact hat I'm not one for body piercings.  With Raymond canines seem like lifeblood for me (as lame as it is to be another among the throng of numbers of canine lovers), but not knowing enough about him right now is too unsettling, while he was nice, it felt like there was something being left out.  Right now though I think regardless of personnel feelings around certain things, I may just do all routes anyways.  I am also glad there is a picture of Kris as a CG to give idea what he looks like, but feel a bit let down that we can't see the whole body, the face especially, to determine just what species of feline he is (Felines are just as much a must to me as Canines!, I'm so generic! XD).

I'm glad you're enjoying the VN!

The next update is planned to feature a section of the day where you get to spend some extra time with Ray before meeting the 3rd character, so by the time you're made to choose a route you'd know all 3 characters equally. 

Regarding the main character, CG's showing off his face and body are planned, as well as a little reveal into his species coming soon!