You can make a little AutoIt script to hit F5 in GMS2 when you hit F5 in GMEdit,
$bound = False $suffix = " - GMEdit" $suffixLen = StringLen($suffix) while 1 ; bind/unbind the hotkey as we switch to/from GMEdit $title = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]") $newBound = (StringLen($title) > $suffixLen And StringRight($title, $suffixLen) == $suffix) If (Not $bound And $newBound) Then HotKeySet("{F5}", "OnRun") ElseIf ($bound And Not $newBound) Then HotKeySet("{F5}") EndIf $bound = $newBound sleep(250) wend Func OnRun() $orig = WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") $title = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]") $titleLen = StringLen($title) ; check that it's still GMEdit just to be really sure: $newBound = ($titleLen > $suffixLen And StringRight($title, $suffixLen) == $suffix) If (Not $newBound) Then Exit ; get the project name from GMEdit window title: $project = StringLeft($title, $titleLen - $suffixLen) ; make a regular expression to find the matching GM:S/GMS2 editor: If (StringRight($project, 4) == ".yyp") Then $rx = StringLeft($project, StringLen($project) - 4) $rx = StringReplace($rx, ".", "\.") $rx = "^" & $rx & " - GameMaker Studio 2" Else $rx = StringReplace($project, ".", "\.") $rx = "^" & $rx & "\*?\b.+\(v[\d.]+\)\s*$" ; "[project name] ... (v1.4.xxxx)" EndIf ; and send a F5 key there: $def = "[REGEXPTITLE:" & $rx & "]" $hwnd = WinGetHandle($def) $out = ControlSend($hwnd, "", "", "{F5}") ConsoleWrite($hwnd & " " & WinGetTitle($hwnd) & " r" & $out & " e" & @error & @CRLF) EndFunc