Interesting all the different methods: Fish/Hookers/Mages etc... Depending on version, some work better than others! lol
Samyotix---Thanks for tips on Pyramids ---1st 14 days Resources can be tight, everything helps. (esp if can use for QUESTS!)
Lately been trying the "med Quests" Idea---Anybody else have Med Quests (1st 21 Days) can't solve *IN TIME* ? [part of what makes some quests Impossible is the time limit)
Some do the upgrades (I usually do) some don't; But can take a *LOT* of upgrades to do some Quests! [20 Magic Cloth for example----No, Can't buy either]
Do you skip? Do upgrades?
Mythic Leather (see my "Impossible Quests" post) STILL is Impossible as far as I know.
Anybody do the "Ancient Jungles (Dungeon CLEAR)" Quest (Fighters---Med) before D21?
How about Chasity belt? [before D14]
(sometimes *DO* manage to do a [usually Med] Quest-----but not b4 the 6 day time limit (with the only 1 Quest limit, you can't get another till that one's gone)