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Thanks for the tips! I was able to get further with your tips, and had some fun - I think starting is still the hardest part, which may lead to people giving up before getting to the fun part of swinging around. A few suggestions:

  • The instructions look to me like we're supposed to jump at instruction 3, that's one of the things that got me going down the wrong path early.

  • I had to fire all 3 tethers to get off the ground. If that's expected, perhaps updating the instructional graphic to have 3 lines would help. A short video showing the right way to get started might be a great help to users.
  • I was unsure why I respawned the first time. I assume it's because I touched the mountain - it would be great for the instructions to mention this if it's the case.

Here's a video of me blundering my way up onto the course, maybe it will help explain the difficulty I had.


I will try to implement your suggestions as soon as possible, but sadly I don't have the time at the moment. (Will be away until Sunday in a week). (I will hopefully do more rigorous play testing on my next project to remedy these problems early).

Kind regards 
