This is a nice straightforward RPG. I respect you using only plugins that come with a new project. Highlights include:
- Animations after you defeat an enemy
- Only on-map encounters so you can engage enemies at your own discretion
- Interesting battle mechanics like delayed attacks, additional attacks, and counter attacks
There are some things I'm confused by:
- Why do additional enemies appear when you engage in battle? Why not just show them all right at the start?
- Some mechanics are not clear, like why does Priscilla sometimes get extra attacks?
- It's not clear why I should equip the fire & ice resistant accessories; there aren't many enemies that use those types (at least, I don't think I ran into them)
There's also spelling errors here-and-there (like a p instead of an o in one of the descriptions).
Overall it's a fine game and a solid entry. It's not too long and has some features not many games take advantage of. Good job!