Got stuck on the long segment where you have to follow the moving platform, but came back again and (with some effort) managed to beat it. Playing through the game a second time once I had become more comfortable with the mechanics made me feel totally badass whilst combining dashing and double jumping for maximum effect!
I'm very impressed by both the environments and level design and how you incorporated the dashing and bullet time mechanics. Though something about the bullet time still feels a bit off to me, I had a tough time gauging when to activate it, because it only lasts for such a short time and takes fairly long to recharge. For most levels I liked the fact that you could look ahead and plan how to progress but the moving platform section mentioned above I had to learn by trial and error and was frustrated by the lack of checkpoints, but it felt satisfying to make it in the end. I also found a couple short-cuts by double-dashing in the air, which I thought was really cool.
The concept of being stuck in multiple levels of dreams is awesome and suits the theme quite well, in my opinion. I enjoyed the narrative aspects of the game (after eventually realising that the dialogue box was being cut off on my widescreen monitor and switching monitors) and the game looks really vibrant and appealing (although there were some parts of the game where it felt like detail was missing and you just have a lot of flat edges, but I'm guessing that's due to time running out). The integrated tutorial on the first level worked really nicely. The music was good but the game would have benefitted from more variety, but I'm already impressed by how much you managed to put together in a week, so I can hardly complain!