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(1 edit)

Okay. Not super far in, but few comments:

1) Art style should be unified. The 16-bit pixel NPCs stand out against the hand-drawn party members. With that said... I do like the hand-drawn stuff, especially the smutty bits. :)

2) It's a little dull at times, and confusing to figure out where to go. Fast Travel would be nice, and some clearer directions.

Overall, though, I definitely like where this is going. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to my friends YET, but it's definitely on its way. You're doing some cool stuff!

Edit: I found an issue-there's no backspace button in the name entry screen,

Constructive criticism is always welcome and taken in consideration! Ty for your feedback!

(1 edit)

Just did the nun's quest. The minigame feels unneeded-plus, these are people who NEED the food. It doesn't make sense that they'd be angry if it took more than ten seconds to get their food.

Also, the first needy person was off-screen, so I failed once because I didn't see it at all.

Edit: Some overall thought-don't add minigames. Focus on making a good combat game, and use that for most of it. Also good art-because is good art. :)