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A member registered Aug 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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If you want people to drop close to $30 on a game, you probably want to have more than a one-sentence description and a single screenshot.

Gotcha. Okay. :)

Art looks neat.
Android only?

I like the art. But the game is very basic for now.

Was fun!

Still simple, art's still good, and a nice little time diversion. :)

As a game? It's fine. Early and needs polish, but it's a good start.

As art? Same.

One note-add invincibility frames after you get hit.

(1 edit)

That seems like something that should be made more clear.

Also probably should have a button to skip time wherever, if you need to wait like that.

Edit: Same bug happened to me.

So, I made it to Longstall. And now I have NO IDEA what to do.

I talked to everyone, I tried going into all the buildings... Nothing to do.

Character moves really fast.

Controls aren't fully clear.

Definitely needs some work, but I like the bones that are there so far. :)

Is the mission winnable?

But nice art. :)

I feel like level two could use some more signposting too, as I've yet to figure out how to make the box at the top appear. Neither Fire or Ice Paint works.

How do you get the box to appear in stage two?

(1 edit)

Once you press a button on the opening menu, you can't press another.

Edit: Had fun playing it though. Combat is basic, but good. Artwork is nice.

Do you plan on releasing to Steam eventually?

Enjoyed it, though it's a little overly punishing.

Please add invincibility frames for the dash attack.

Enjoyable little time spender.

The soldier pictures felt a little out of place, though. Was not expecting that last one.

Okay, update done.

Still love the art! Looking forward to seeing the gameplay proper.

Ooh... Looking forward to trying this update!

Downloading now.

I'd enjoy both of these additions.

Sign, not sing.

Newer Pokémon games spread XP along the entire party, not just the active mon. Considering adding that.

The Hex Maniac fight is unneededly hard. A lot of mons can't do ANYTHING because their offensive moves are normal type.

But I like where this is going. :)

Looks nice, but doesn't work particularly well. I got knocked down and none of the buttons let me escape or get back up.

Please add the ability to Run.

Feels a little grindy.

But overall, looking forward to it. :)

The game moves slowly. It'd be good if the attacks happened more quickly.

What content is available in the demo?

No, I got that. I knew the controls.
I had no time to do that, though-I pressed to punch and it didn't do enough.

Okay, I did give it a try.

First fight, I got surrounded and couldn't do anything except escape within seconds.

Neat. I'll give it a whirl, then.

Is the game especially difficult? I've never been good at this style of game.

Lack of healing and no checkpoints meant I didn't get that far.

But the base is good!

Neat. I'm gonna be at work soon, but I'll give a it a check when I get home.

What's the gameplay like? I can't tell from the screenshots.

Okay, bought and played some of it.

Thoughts and ideas...

1) A ground smash move that cuts off forward momentum would be cool.

2) As would a magnet upgrade.

3) She handles a bit tanklike-I get she's going fast, but it'd be cool if she was a little more nimble and less weighty.

4) Tutorial didn't include buttons-I had to exit the level, check the controls, and go back in.

5) Is fun!

And what sorta lewd content is there? Just nudity, or anything more?

Thanks for taking the time to answer. :)

How many levels are there, and approximately how long is each one?

Could use listed controls.

But fun!

Gotcha, okay.

Looking forward to more! :)

Question: Is there any difference, at the moment, between the gender options? I played through the demo and given the lack of interaction with the protagonist's genitals, I'm not sure.

Critique: You move really fast. A bit too fast, or maybe the acceleration is off. It's a little awkward to control-not too much, but could be finetuned a bit.

Compliment: Damn that is some good art! 

Chrome's the browser. And it's late, so I'll see about getting logs tomorrow.

I tried to play the web version. I got to "Choose a slot" for New Game, chose my gender, and then the screen goes dark and nothing happens.

Okay, gave it a try.

The art's decent. The gameplay needs improvement
Different "weapon" options would be great. It's also too easy-I tried to lose. I could not.