Hey! Thanks so much for catching this. I'm guessing the library calls have something to do with the way we encrypt player profile data. My co-dev is more knowledgeable than me about the Linux build/our profile management code, so I'll check in with him and we'll work on removing unnecessary dependencies.
BIT RAT is built in Gamemaker: Studio. I believe this is also true of The Red Strings Club, so similar problems cropping up makes sense.
Really appreciate the feedback in any case! Will post again here when we have an update.
-bryan / [bucket drum games]
Instead of creating symbolic links, you can set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable just before executing the runner. The variable's lifetime is that of the terminal it was set in.
For example, on Ubuntu you could reference the Steam libraries and run the game like so:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ ./runner
It would be great if the itch desktop app had a way to launch games with user defined options and environment variables. At least, I don't see a way to do it.
As a workaround, you can launch the game from the itch app by replacing the runner with a bash script that runs the actual runner prefaced with the environment variable.
Rename the actual runner to something else:
mv ~/.config/itch/apps/bitrat/bit_rat_singularity/runner ~/.config/itch/apps/bitrat/bit_rat_singularity/runner.bin
Create a script at ~/.config/itch/apps/bitrat/bit_rat_singularity/runner that runs the renamed runner prefaced with the environment variable:
#!/bin/bash LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.steam/bin32/steam-runtime/lib/i386-linux-gnu ~/.config/itch/apps/bitrat/bit_rat_singularity/runner.bin
Make the script executable:
chmod +x ~/.config/itch/apps/bitrat/bit_rat_singularity/runner
Launching the game from the itch app will now use the environment variable.
-nick / [bucket drum games]