Definitely a very interesting take on the theme, with a really nice opening cutscene to boot. The gameplay loop made a decent amount of sense, was a lot of broken dishes, but it made sense. The enemies were also very distinct which was interesting. Those damn evil pots and their endless jalapenos.
It definitely helped mix up the game since you have to deal with each unique enemies attacks, though I do have to say the fact that they have a habit of running too and staying in corners, definitely removed a decent amount of that variety. Since they'd always do their attacks in around the same areas, though that didn't really affect the pots so..
Overall the only thing I can really say is I'd definitely love more levels and more types of enemies in this game, it's a really cool. The only issue I really had was with figuring out the tutorial screen when I was starting, cause I was unsure as to where to take the plates etc. and it took me a sec to figure out you need to hold shift as well.