you're walking on thin f*cking ice Oberon I swear to god : ) aCTUALLY no srsly I loved this Demo (and gOD the voice acting is PERFECTION) and I'm excited to see the real thing but I'm afraid this got me both ridiculously attached to Manhin and murderous towards Oberon lmaooo
It was quite funny cause the moment Oberon said the " she's really loud" or smth phrase it didnt click to me right away so like when Manhin went full RAGE mode I got startled for a moment like jesus christ woman take a chill pill but then her accusations were confirmed and I just went " wait WHAT-"
and thats how I got invested on a character from mere 1 hour of gameplay and now I'm not sure how to deal with the fact I now want to play Oberon's route for the sole purpose of dumping his cheating ass at the end. And flipping off Manhin's so called "friend" while I'm at it