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A member registered Nov 06, 2019

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oh my lord this was sooooooooooo perfect. So wholesome, so beautiful, heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. The scene with the fairies standing vigil to you?With that music and writing? MY HEART WAS IN SHATTERS. Beautiful ,showstoping, a masterpiece. My only complaint is that it ended. How I wish for an epilogue, to see how MC adapts to a new world, and her new relationship. Gahhhh I wonder if there's a fanfic for this somewhere

You're amazing, thank you SO much for having shared this with us <3

Hi! Is this still being worked on?

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this game brings me back so many memories XD I remember being one of the first visual novels I ever played, and I was around 13-15 years old back then. I'm 26 now btw lmaoooo
Hope I can tell my children about it

(no hate <3 its just a funny thought that always occurs to me when I see this)

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ya had me at full demonic form
ah shit, here we go again – música e letra de mory | Spotify

ahhh im so happy! Thank you so much for sharing :3 Hope you're doing well and I'm excited to see more!


yo chill out 

And they did make that one female protagonist with the gods game. Just correcting ya

aaaaaaaaaaa this was so awesome!! No story ever let me become a merperson before, and the dark twist to it is just *chef's kiss* I love the music, the BG is so immersive too! I'm so excited to read what you come up with! I wonder if will grow legs at some point? I recently watched a dark fantasy horror movie called Mermaid Down ( 2019) and lemme tell ya it was brutal

I like the thought of a beautiful yet murdering machine  of a creature lol also its nice that you let us choose to have a conscience or smth like that. It be kinda "uh" to play as a mindless wild animal lmaooo well, in certain situations, at least. I had fun when we were given the option of what to do with Charlotte (?) and I immediatly went chopchop in several different ways before having to backtrack after feeling bad for her KSKSKSKSKS Anyway, I loved it! i do hope you plan to continue this! Thank you for sharing it with us :>

I wanna hug Cinderella sooooo bad :'''( gosh this got me tearing up a bit

oh thats a relief! Thank you for letting me know

5 minutes in and already got a Dead End lolololol dont trust strangers my ass, c'mon man, I hate when games do this :'))

please I just need closure at this point so I can go through the 5 stages of grief in peace  :')

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I work alone, kitten, I don’t make any exceptions, not even for you.

y'all gonna have to pRY me away from this man with a crowbar i swear-

ohh i hadn't realized it before but goddd this 2nd character pov really does gets me right in the heart unghhhhh there's smth really immersive about seing others talking about the choices we make for our characters <3 I really appreciate the effort put into it <3333

oh, what is this? Emotional damage from which I'll probably never recover? 


why would i be whining about it if i knew how to do that :') lemme beg in peace

uuuuuuuunnnngggggh what a girl must do to monsterfuck too

(plz Y press, im on my knees beggin)

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Ugnhhhf the building up tension concerning MC's background and behavior is murdering me i'm- *inhuman screeching noises*

same. This game ruined old romance games for me, my standarts are so high rn I revisited some of them and I felt like eating glass

I blame this game entirely

gosh the "chapter one end" button hit me hard man :'') this is so good like, wow. Its real easy to get immersed in it and your character and I can't bloody WAIT to make my OC the king's HOUND, I mean how cool is that?!

thank you so much for sharing this with us and I hope you update soon!

hmmmm i think it is but from what I've seen of her patreon it seems that she's been focusing more on her other works such as Superstition

aaaaaaaaaa gosh i'm so happy ;o; thank you so much <3

letsss goooooooo aaaaaa <33333

fuck this game gave me chILLS and I wouldn't have the balls to do half the things I did there lmao

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~the eyes in background~

eye1:"ah- crap. its her again"

eye2:"what the hell.."

eye3:"isnt it like, the 12th time this month?"

eye1:"yep, thats her"

eye2: "ugh she's so creepy..."

eye1: "just ignore her and maybe she'll leave"

eye2: "dude we're literally eyes glued to her screen"

eye3:"I wanna quit this job"

Yeah, I feel your stares judging me 👁️👄👁️ but I aint leaving!

Is it gonna update soon? ;u; plz dont come for me I dont wanna rush but I'm literally desperate at this point

date him then dump his ass baby *flips hair and walks away*

you're walking on thin f*cking ice Oberon I swear to god : ) aCTUALLY no srsly I loved this Demo (and gOD the voice acting is PERFECTION) and I'm excited to see the real thing but I'm afraid this got me both ridiculously attached to Manhin and murderous towards Oberon lmaooo 


It was quite funny cause the moment Oberon said the " she's really loud" or smth phrase it didnt click to me right away so like when Manhin went full RAGE mode I got startled for a moment like jesus christ woman take a chill pill but then her accusations were confirmed and I just went " wait WHAT-"

and thats how I got invested on a character from mere 1 hour of gameplay and now I'm not sure how to deal with the fact I now want to play Oberon's route for the sole purpose of dumping his cheating ass at the end. And flipping off Manhin's so called "friend" while I'm at it

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yasss thank you! Your writing is just *chef's kiss*

Guys I literally cant think about anything else since I've played this ???!!!😭😭 this game is sooo good. I'm just waiting for september first to become a patreon but I'm comfused on the tiers. While I am excited about everything else Leagues give us there, I'd like to know if I'll get access to more chapters as of now. If not I'll probably try to wait a bit since my budget is really low but I want to play more chapters soooooo much 😭😭😭

Can anyone answer me that? Which tier do i need to get to get more chapters?

omg I cant believe it, just a day away from my birthday :'D best present ever <3 (Also goddddd this chapter hurt so good I'm-  😩❤

the Andromeda six's page, seeing me for hundredth time this month: *sIGH*

ikr XD gimme that sweet taste of agony I signed up for (~O u Ó)~

yaaaaaaas I can taste the drama already *evil laugh* my heart is so ready XD Thank you so much for working so hard at this! <3 Y'all are wonderful!

yaaaass o(≧▽≦)o Thank you SO much to all of you amazing people for taking time to work and this project and make 2020 less shitty for all of us lmao. Srsly, thank you <3

i'm with you on that one („ಡωಡ„)

omg nvm I absolutely LOVED it XDDD worth every cent and more

Ngl I was hoping to play as the MC, BUT I'm excited anyway for the dialogues and illustrations XD And, of course, I'm looking foward to those exclusive stories on the crew's past!