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Thanks so much for your feedback and for playing to the end! I think you might be on to something with the wallalide being too fast. I may slow it down a touch. As for the jumping being imprecise, could you explain a bit about what you mean? Walljumps or regular jumps? Apart from walljumps, there isn't much momentum in the game so you should pretty much stop jumping whenever you let go of the move keys.

I'll definitely be adding resolution options soon. It seems like my "perfect camera" option really only works for my monitor 😅

Progress menu will allow you to jump between generations, worlds, and levels when it's fully implemented.

Really appreciated your feedback 👍


Sorry for being vague mate! I was referring to regular jumps, though the walljumps may be imprecise due to how fast the player is during a walljump. Horizontal movement during  jumps, and moving in general, should have at least a few frames of momentum until you reach max speed. Maybe I just had bad coordination today, but making small jumps from one block to the next could lead to me overshooting or undershooting just a tiny bit.
I think if you slow the jump and wallslide down a little, and add a little bit of momentum to horizontal movement, your game will feel perfectly fine. I noticed it was made in GMS2, so I would recommend using an Approach script for horizontal speed as a super quick fix.


Thanks again for clearing it up! I was afraid to add too much momentum/too little friction to the game and instead focus on near-immediate starts/stops so that the movements feel more "precise". It seems like a few people mentioned this however as making the game feel just the opposite though -- imprecise. So I'll play around with the different settings and see if I can make something that feels a bit better. Thanks for the script suggestion!