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Well, a few problems off the bat:

- Flappy bird doesn't flap in this game, he just kind of hovers when you hold space

- Flappy bird's sprite has an obvious square around it, you should have made it transparent

- The second I tried to run the game, my Antivirus detected it as a virus and moved it into quarantine (this is common, but it's made much worse by the fact that:)

- I had to grant ADMINISTRATOR PERMISSION to even run the thing. I have to inconvenience myself to:

- Disable my antivirus

- Download the damn thing

- Figure out how to even run it??

Just to even play this!

Not to mention it was a huge pain in the ass to delete!


Thanks for the honest feedback ! lol 

I also reviewed your game.

You're welcome, and sorry if I came off as overly critical. It was pretty fun, after all