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Wow a lot going on and its fast. If you want it to be that fast then right on but I would consider slowing it down, especially in the beginning for new players(and new to the genre) to pick up. The controls were a bit strange, but it could be managed once you got used to trying to dodge everything and use whatever card was in your selector. It had a good variety of enemies that made each encounter fresh and the cards themselves were cool and different. Have you considered having a character selection where each character has a different starting deck? Good submission nevertheless :)


Thanks for playing! Character selection is already planned, and you suggesting it just confirms it's a good idea, but I'm waiting until the gameplay loop is tighter before working on another character, though I already have 2 character ideas.

I agree things start out a bit too fast, but I'm hoping new players don't give up after dieing once or twice while learning. I'm still trying to find the right balance between hectic fast paced action and being able to strategize. Thanks for the feedback!