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(1 edit) (+1)

Note: If anyone else is new to java, make sure your java is up to date, and open the jar file with javaw.exe (worked for me in windows)

What I liked:

Pretty cool game, and I can tell you put in hard work.

Neat sound effects, very nostalgic for me

Cool graphics as well -> nostalgia factor


A OST could make the game more memorable.

Moving off screen makes you appear on the other side (like in pac man) -> If memory serves me right, space arcade shooters normally don't have this happen

It was VERY challenging -> I could barely get past 1 enemy. 

A start screen would be nice -> Though I'm a hypocrite here since my own game didn't have one.

Overall Impression:

I liked it, and this was one of my ideas when I was brainstorming. Fun little game!


I'm also learning java, how did you implement the high score function into your game?

For the high score function, you just have create a file which stores the high score in your resources folder, and upon death, add your current killstreak to the file (as long as it's greater than the previous one). Then, read from the file and print onto the screen