I like it, control feels nice and i was pretty impressed with the variety of the characters, i thought everyone would kinda play the same with just a different mesh & effects but it actually plays differently which is great.
There are a few things i noticed tho:
- Unskippable Cutscenes, not really a fan of this one. I'm sure not everyone is interested with the storyline & prefers to just play the game instead (not saying that it's bad, i haven't really paid attention to the story. kek)
- I don't really see a point in using the shift button, i usually press shift to run faster, but here it slows down your character (?) or is it a block or something? Doesn't seem to be a block tho.
- The UX of the inventory system doesn't feel that good, don't really like how there are different containers for different types of item. Whenever i receive an item i have to check which type of item it is, why not put it all in a single container & when you click it, automatically apply it based on its type?
- Last one is probably a minor thing, there seems to be a part of your dodge function which makes it feels a bit inconsistent at times. CMIIW but do you use the player's last input direction everytime you dodge? So what happened here was that, whenever i press dodge (while not pressing any movement keys) i ended up dodging to my last input direction, which caused my dodge direction to be a bit unexpected sometimes. Wouldn't it be better if you add a handler like: if a player's not pressing any movement key & you press dodge, it only dodges to a certain direction (maybe something like Dark Souls where you'd dodge backwards if you're not moving in any direction)