OK!! Played hooky from work to do some clean up coding. Thanks to the testers and their feed back I was able to update a few things.
REL: 180619.2241
- fixed exit on getting course 0=NO COURSE SELECTED. People were having problem changing their mind deciding NOT to move or use a torpedo. Now you can just enter 0, and it will cancel back to the option menu
- got rid of extra pause at the title - cosmetic - but annoying...
- enemy fighting back works now - they only fight when you move - they still do not move or attack their turn.
- HQ command updated, but not tested. docking was not working. Need someone to get close and see if that works
- Turned off the "case-sensitive" when entering code due to critical damage
- improved the repair while moving of sub damage. this is not perfected yet (if navigation is damage, start over LOL - I'll get that fixed)
check it out :-)
Its a fun past time, although may be hard to quit :P