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yeah i am cool

(1 edit) (-1)

Okay look, I'm pretty relieved to know that you don't have a grudge against me after calling you out for something I can tell is embarrassing and humiliating in the time I wasn't able to return.


I don't hold a grudge against anyone, even if I was told something not pleasant lol

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i am indeed a silly billy

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(12 edits) (-1)


Wait. Please tell me you mean that and won't just ignore what you said next time I potentially say anything on this page.

Yeah I think I was mistaken about something. Hard to admit it when you can't purge other people's comments without walking all the way over to the server and setting it on fire, isn't it?

this is what planetary destruction is for

wait this is also what hacking is for

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(1 edit) (-1)

Stuck in the creep? What is it is it on this website?

