First of all, Human, thanks for organizing the jam. I had a great time!
-What did you most like/dislike about the jam?
Likes: Allowing short games. After Touch The Stars jam, I was a bit tired, so knowing I could make a silly 5 minutes game and still be eligible for this jam, was great.
Dislikes: The main themes. I'm not sure whether I posted about it in the server (I definitely mentioned it on the forum), but I had to change my idea several times, because at first I had ignored the main themes and then later on I couldn't get the theme I'd picked to work. I had no problem with the subthemes though.
On that note, it felt a bit weird to not have a voting category for the themes?
- Where did you hear about the jam?
I heard of the first jam's existence on the forum and heard of this one after joining the Beta Test Server.
- What inspired you to join/submit?
Everyone in the server was so excited for this and since I left the Touch the Stars jam relatively unscathed, I wanted to join in on the fun.
- Future theme suggestions?
I like the themes suggested above by the others. Only suggestion I have is "(Relation)Ships". You mentioned this on the server once and I was sad to see it not included as a (sub)theme.
- Do you have any assets you'd like to make available to the community for next year?
I'm working on some stuff for the Halloween Restaff, which will include a Harold sprite. Hopefully. Still need to work on it. (Reid's sprite is done though :D) Oh also, I've been thinking of making some of the later RTP cast into XP sprites.
- Any other thoughts or suggestions?
Reid jam pretty please? Or like a joint jam where we can pick whether Harold or Reid is the focus?