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I wasn't getting ore faster than just holding, so sounds like that is working properly.

I did turn the UI zoom up, but only to where it was reasonable to read. Higher might work better, there's definitely room for it.

An undo function isn't entirely what I mean, I'm just looking for things to not fall as soon as I click. I can grab structures and place them without them falling until I move, but if I click a structure to move it

As an example, in the attached pictures, I right clicked part of the bottom frame, and everything fell immediately. I would only want this to happen once I actually move what I grabbed. Specifically for the case where I grab something and then go "hmm, nevermind".

I think I have an idea for this

Like how blocks freeze when you place them, the air behind picked up blocks could be frozen. You could place blocks into the frozen air, but blocks wouldn't move into it.

Could also hold the player up if you pick up the ground underneath you, by maybe you couldn't jump off of it.