Starts on Manjaro + Openjdk 16.0.2 (Maybe next time you can provide a batch file with the java -jar... command for those who are not familiar with starting java applications from the cmd).
Drawing cells in the map works like a charm, the animation runs very smooth and therefore is very satisfying. Nice work! The only thing I don't get is how multiple (contradicting) rules (e.g. 1/0 and 0/1) are supposed to work together? It seems that only the first rule gets applied, or am I missing something?
Also I encountered some weird behaviour / bug with the "Pattern action":
1) Start application -> Click File>Patterns Nothing happens 2) Create new GA -> Click File>Patterns ExceptionInInitializerError caused by a NPE (Cannot invoke "" because "location" is null) 2) Add a rule -> Click File>Patterns Yields a NoClassDefFoundError for fr.poulpogaz.automata.ui.dialog.Patterns
This may be an openjdk issue, but I'm not sure (Would have attached the log, but unfortunately these exceptions are not beeing logged).