Incredible... Thanks to everyone who voted for Future Me. Congratulations to all participants who managed to submit their projects. Keep on coding!
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Starts on Manjaro + Openjdk 16.0.2 (Maybe next time you can provide a batch file with the java -jar... command for those who are not familiar with starting java applications from the cmd).
Drawing cells in the map works like a charm, the animation runs very smooth and therefore is very satisfying. Nice work! The only thing I don't get is how multiple (contradicting) rules (e.g. 1/0 and 0/1) are supposed to work together? It seems that only the first rule gets applied, or am I missing something?
Also I encountered some weird behaviour / bug with the "Pattern action":
1) Start application -> Click File>Patterns Nothing happens 2) Create new GA -> Click File>Patterns ExceptionInInitializerError caused by a NPE (Cannot invoke "" because "location" is null) 2) Add a rule -> Click File>Patterns Yields a NoClassDefFoundError for fr.poulpogaz.automata.ui.dialog.Patterns
This may be an openjdk issue, but I'm not sure (Would have attached the log, but unfortunately these exceptions are not beeing logged).
Thank you for the retro game feeling you gave me! I appreciate that you included the source code so I was able to compile and play your game on Linux (unfortunately I had to remove your sounds). Here my advice: Next time it would be great if you could include all necessary headers and your Asset folder in the
Keep on your work and go a one step beyond ;) !
Very good and polished game, great work! I like the visual cues when time is running out and how the music adapts. Unfortunately I had a minor issue with starting on Linux. Here is my workaround to get your game running after extracting the zip:
1. Make the binary executable:
chmod u+x Overcomitted
2. Due to letter case issues (e.g. ChillGamePlayMusic.xnb and ChillGameplayMusic.xnb [please note the letter "P"]), create appropriate softlinks to prevent a ContentLoadException:
cd Content ln -s ChillGameplayMusic.xnb ChillGamePlayMusic.xnb ln -s StressfulGameplayMusic.xnb StressfulGamePlayMusic.xnb
In the root you now should be able to start the binary.
Maybe you can fix this issue, so my fix becomes obsolete. If you need someone for testing, just message me.
All in all, keep on the great work!
Really interesting strategy based game concept. I liked the idea of upgrading a skill or resurrecting a pillar after each year. Maybe add some variation to the pillars. For example you may change their colors accordingly (e.g. green for hope, red for health, ...) or add a symbol on top of each pillar. Is there a deeper reason for your choice of keys (and I'm too dumb to get it)?
Congratulations for making your very first game and participating in your first jam You can be proud of yourself for making it!
I would suggest (after fixing the replay button bug) you to implement left and right movement followed by some kind of score and in the future some motion paths for the enemy ships. Overall for your first game a very good start with enough room for incremental improvement steps! Keep on learning and making games. But most important: Enjoy it!
Congratulations to your RPG-ROBOT-SLAY entry. Dax's animations look smooth and his movement controls feel good! Here are a few suggestions: For the standard bad guy robots it might be cool to have a cooldown for the attack to prevent me from running to them an then just spamming "k". For the miniboss fight I personally would like to have some kind of visual or acoustic indicators before he attacks you (It took me way too much attempts to beat him, but this may be just me, cause I'm too bad lol). Also consider a adding a healthbar. The same applies for the final boss, where I enjoyed the OOT-Ganondorf-like combat a lot! One last thing: I don't know if there is a reason in your (unfortunately missing) ending for the music to be positional, but this irritated me. Overall, I like that you tell a story while still having the combat in focus. Keep on working on your game!
After many attempts, I managed to do a complete round. You called "without hitting the wall" as a bonus challenge. I'm interested, did you manage it? For me it would be very helpful if there was some sort of reverse and/or reset button. You could add a timer to challenge yourself regarding the lap time! Keep on working on it!
Good start, but by focusing on a video game, you may be missing a lot of potential! Here are my thoughts: With controllable time and a bit of UI improvements (e.g. sliders) this could be a great tool to visually explain polynomial functions! Additionally it could serve as an explorative teaching tool to show individual influences of coefficient. You may also include (multiple) derivatives and (hidable) movable tangents to show relationships between functions. There are a lot of possibilities to discover. Keep on the good work!
Great selection of Kenney's Tiles. "You have lost the game. Congratulations" made my day! I agree with TobidoT as I also don't like the sliding/acceletion controls. But this may be more a personal preference. I wish there was the possibility to restart a level instead of reloading the game? Maybe I'm missing something...
At first I thought it was some kind of clicker game. Opinions differ, but I like clicker games. As a passionate factorio and player, I'm even happier that (after reading your description) it turned out to be a factory simulator!
I like your concept and I am really impressed by your simulation engine and the accurate error messages! Wish there were more levels!
Nice and fun puzzle entry. To make the game experience more accessible, I would suggest two things: (1) First, I would like to see the current piece of road displayed under the mouse pointer. (2) Second, a key binding for rotation would be really handy (I haven't found one at least). Overall I like your concept and interpretation of the theme, keep on the good work!