Can I post some ideas? I don't know what you have planned for this game. Upgrades. Like different colored leaves that are worth more. Clicks that grab the leaf and it's nearest leaf. More leaf falls, maybe starting with less than the current leaf falls though. And enemies. Each upgrade to make you better at catching leaves also upgrades your opposition. Little fairies or flying gremlins or butterflies that try to get the leaves before you can. Lol.
Well uhm the game is supposed to be relaxing and i do not think that all the farries gremlins and stuff like that would really allow it to be relaxing and i dont want to add upgrades cuz its... clicking leaves but i do have a few features planned like : Weather, Modes (that's where i could add all the gremlins, fairies, etc.), Background music (being made by someone else), more leaf "skins", day n' night cycle, bug fixes, menu screen, endings and a pet leaf you can grow with the leaves you caught (if i get enough time). So...