if you're playing on PC or Mac, you don't have to worry, your save won't move when you uninstall or update the game.
On Android though, here are the instructions:
Android (how to keep your save file)
- About the Android version, unfortunately, the fix we had made to make sure the update would work isn't working for everybody.
- So to make sure you keep you save file, you'll have to manually backup it.
- To do that, you'll have to use a file explorer, and find your saves in /Android/data/com.GrizzlyGamer.RMAWhellcum
- Copy everything that's in there and paste it somewhere else, In your download folder for exemple.
- Uninstall the game, and install the update.
- Now you can copy all the files you backuped earlier, and copy them in the save folder: /Android/data/com.GrizzlyGamer.RMAWhellcum
So of course, it's simple to use the cloud save system.