Wow, thank you so much! I totally agree that some visuals would enhance this experience a lot, and I'm definitely planning on doing more here. I'm sorry I missed the stream, and it sucks that the VOD didn't save because I would have loved to hear your character voices!
There isn't much to do at the courthouse. It's mostly a pass-through location (it's the only way to get to the alley) and tells you whether the fountain is on or off. You can use it to travel between the sides of the market but you're better off using the car for that (because there's shade).
Getting a sunburn actually does have an effect -- it halves your maximum stamina (at least, it's supposed to... I'm not ruling out any bugs lol). This could definitely be better conveyed! I had assumed the player would think, "Wow, why do I get tired so much faster? Oh, it must be because I'm sunburned."
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for your thoughtful review, and stay tuned: I think there's more to Ruby's story than one afternoon... ;-)