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But here you are complaining aren't you 

(4 edits) (+6)(-13)

Yeah. Because you're being a piece of shit. And YOU are also complaining. For no fucking reason. Unlike privileged assholes like you, LGBT people have legitimate reasons to complain, instead of being assholes just to troll people. We're not going to waste time and effort on fabricated issues because we have too many real issues to deal with. And if, as you say, you *knew* someone would complain, that means you are fully aware that there's an issue and you know it's not fabricated.


And the people who are legitimatly facing issues are fighting their battle out there in real life and not here bitching about a game in a fantasy setting online


exactly. so why are you bitching, then?

(2 edits) (+3)(-7)

Who said anything about a game? I'm pretty sure you are a real person in the real world. It's you who needs to change.

Now, if you're a spambot, that's a different matter entirely. If you aren't human, I'll just stop attempting to make you a better human.


Better human? Who are you to dictate who is a better human and who isn't.


Don't feed the troll.