Well, the wiki is outdated, but does have a chart listing drop rates. I don't know what percent of that is still accurate (it's definitely not 100% accurate still), but in any case, drop rate does seem to depend on which enemy you're facing.
Recent community posts
Then they should fucking say that when I asked instead of being rude to me for literally no reason whatsoever.
I'll admit that my response to their rudeness was probably more rude than their initial rudeness was, but not once in history have I ever, ever been rude to anyone who was not extremely rude to me first.
Por el momento, las versiones públicas son el mismo para Android y PC. Hay una versión en Patreon que tiene más, que -- yo creo -- está disponible solamente en PC. No van a haber más actualizaciones hasta que el juego este completo, en cuyo momento el juego completo va a estar disponible gratis para PC y Android los dos.
It's also an adult school simulator. However, the school the MC is in is clearly a middle school curriculum (despite the characters being over 18 because legal reasons), and it's largely about the MC being raped repeatedly. I actually wouldn't say the game is particularly similar at all beyond "adult school simulator," but it definitely was one of the dev's inspirations (I imagine in particular to make something better).
Have not tried the game yet; just downloaded it -- just wanted to mention that while the display text of your subscribestar link is correct, so people can copy and paste the text successfully, the actual URL that it links to when clicking the link is your Patreon account, not your subscribestar account.
I'm expecting the answers to all of these to be no, but I figured I'd ask just in case. In the full version, will it be possible to choose a different character besides Volga? Will there be an option to choose both starting magic types instead of Ice plus another? Will Light and Dark become starting options instead of only unlocking later?
I don't know the exact requirements, but if you get every positive interaction with them, are their roommate, and don't max out on either naughty or nice, it should happen. The last two I believe are requirements; it may not need every positive interaction, but getting all of them would guarantee it as long as the other two conditions are met.
As I understood it, there will be a free roam after you complete it, or at least some sort of post-game play. But the game isn't finished yet, so there's no post-game yet. However, I don't think that would solve this issue, because many of the scenes have specific triggers. Chapter select could, but it would probably lead you to being severely underpowered because you'd miss out on all the levelling, money, and upgrades. Not to mention the chapters are fairly long and each contain several scenes, so there would be a lot to repeat regardless.
I actually am getting mad at you because you are pushing really, really hard against having more options, which doesn't make any fucking sense.
This is a time management game. Any time delay is highly relevant.
Like... literally, if you've never been in any situation in which you can't just leisurely wait an hour, you probably have not engaged with 90% of the game's mechanics.
Also, some people like the washing machine scene and don't just skip it every time (or can't skip it due to settings), so it could very easily take several hours.
That's very strange. I always use the itch desktop app and haven't had any issues saving since the day the new save system was implemented, which was quite a while ago by now. It was broken the first day, but then it was fixed and hasn't had any issues since. Can you provide a screenshot?
Or... did you mean the Save to File? It should display a popup asking you where to save it.
None of the special NPCs are orientation-locked at all, except Roommate's Partner, which is locked to "some orientation that includes both Roommate and MC." Since Roommate is always the same AGAB as the MC, this is rarely relevant. They may be a specific orientation in that playthrough, but it's randomized based on the options you selected at the start. And with special NPCs, it actually prioritizes compatibility with your MC.