Is there a reason you can't save to file...? I'm honestly not sure what Save to Clipboard is even for.
Recent community posts
Hm... where did you download the version you were playing? The only official demo is here on, however, it appears there are other versions available online from crawling sites. I did discover a version online freely available that appears to be the Patreon demo from April of 2024, which should never have been public and also isn't the latest version.
I mean, the year of zero plus posts would have been long before 2019. Probably like 2015? I checked multiple times and there wasn't a single new post, locked or otherwise, and then I stopped looking. Then several years later you release this version, which is dramatically different from what I played before.
The progress reports are supposed to be publicly available? They aren't. I assumed they were intended to be limited to paid members, so I didn't realize there was an issue that needed to be brought to anyone's attention.
Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of people (myself included) stopped checking your Patreon after the year plus period of zero posts. But maybe there were posts that we just couldn't see, but you thought we could.
Chapter 3 shouldn't start at all in the demo. The game just ends after the ending credits. I don't know how you managed to get to a screen where Chapter 3 even begins in the demo, but you somehow got to the fourth coliseum fight? That in itself must be an error, because you shouldn't have been able to get that far.
No, my exhibitionism is at max. But when I was wearing compression pants without anything else, my Master was mad that I was wearing underwear, and when I wore something over them, my Master was mad that my bottoms weren't skintight. With the High-Waisted Shorts, I can wear only that and my Master is fine on both accounts.
I didn't try wearing two different skintight pieces of bottom clothing because, well, obviously my Master doesn't want me to be wearing underwear either.
Then they should fucking say that when I asked instead of being rude to me for literally no reason whatsoever.
I'll admit that my response to their rudeness was probably more rude than their initial rudeness was, but not once in history have I ever, ever been rude to anyone who was not extremely rude to me first.
Por el momento, las versiones públicas son el mismo para Android y PC. Hay una versión en Patreon que tiene más, que -- yo creo -- está disponible solamente en PC. No van a haber más actualizaciones hasta que el juego este completo, en cuyo momento el juego completo va a estar disponible gratis para PC y Android los dos.
It's also an adult school simulator. However, the school the MC is in is clearly a middle school curriculum (despite the characters being over 18 because legal reasons), and it's largely about the MC being raped repeatedly. I actually wouldn't say the game is particularly similar at all beyond "adult school simulator," but it definitely was one of the dev's inspirations (I imagine in particular to make something better).
Have not tried the game yet; just downloaded it -- just wanted to mention that while the display text of your subscribestar link is correct, so people can copy and paste the text successfully, the actual URL that it links to when clicking the link is your Patreon account, not your subscribestar account.
I'm expecting the answers to all of these to be no, but I figured I'd ask just in case. In the full version, will it be possible to choose a different character besides Volga? Will there be an option to choose both starting magic types instead of Ice plus another? Will Light and Dark become starting options instead of only unlocking later?
I don't know the exact requirements, but if you get every positive interaction with them, are their roommate, and don't max out on either naughty or nice, it should happen. The last two I believe are requirements; it may not need every positive interaction, but getting all of them would guarantee it as long as the other two conditions are met.
As I understood it, there will be a free roam after you complete it, or at least some sort of post-game play. But the game isn't finished yet, so there's no post-game yet. However, I don't think that would solve this issue, because many of the scenes have specific triggers. Chapter select could, but it would probably lead you to being severely underpowered because you'd miss out on all the levelling, money, and upgrades. Not to mention the chapters are fairly long and each contain several scenes, so there would be a lot to repeat regardless.