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i think player movement is wierd maybe player walking too fast.

camera rotation also wierdo,  it seems to be rotating to its pivot  but not the player. maybe it'll be better if camera can rotate around player cus it looks like it can only rotate around the fixed radius

i can also lift my player by walking on slope and it make mah character to fly, i think you need gravity

Overall the game is great i like the  minigame idea thou idk how it fit the game's title 

Thanks for the feedback,

I still have to fine tune the player movement but because I was using different things for the movement (player controller and things like it) it is harder to make perfect.

The basic gravity didn't work because of the character controller (for some reason) and after the end I found out that the gravity script isn't working.

I will fix all of this after the jam is over.

The connection to the title - I wrote it in the itch page but forgot to put it in the game (basically you have a bad roommate the makes a mess and you are cleaning it up)