Thank you very much! This is a great input! My next step is a menu and a pause menu, background music is right up there too!
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Thanks for the feedback,
I still have to fine tune the player movement but because I was using different things for the movement (player controller and things like it) it is harder to make perfect.
The basic gravity didn't work because of the character controller (for some reason) and after the end I found out that the gravity script isn't working.
I will fix all of this after the jam is over.
The connection to the title - I wrote it in the itch page but forgot to put it in the game (basically you have a bad roommate the makes a mess and you are cleaning it up)
Hey, the idea is good and I love that you used the 'Press E to open' and things like that (most not using it).
Things to improve:
* The game graphics have bugs (makes is really hard to look at)
* I would remove the flash light and make everything in light because the flashlight doesn't always looks to my cam view
* And please make the images of the game in the itch.IO page actually from the game...
The game looks nice and the graphics are good but I can't understand the goal of the game and what I need to do..
also, when I exit the room I can not find my way back because it's too dark.
(About the controls, I had the same problem in my game, mouse controls need to be perfect to make it work and I think you still have to finetune it a bit more)
I liked it.
The only problem for me was that the dialog boxes pop up out without anything I do and it's stopping me mid play (you can put something like press "T" to talk so the player talks then we wants to).
Another thing you can do to improve is to make an in game tutorial to let the player understand the controls and the goal of the game better