Very nice game so far. I know it's still not a full release so I very much look forward to seeing where this goes.
- I know multiple people have suggested it, but a way to fast-forward streams/sex scenes would be nice since you have to go through all of Anon's cum when you have sex with Jun. Makes streams take very long, and causes grinding out more subs to become very tedious.
- Again, multiple people have suggested this, but it'd be nice for Jun to have clothes. I definitely don't mind seeing a cute naked girl (not even a little), but some outfit customization for her would be nice, especially if there's animations for her stripping and such during sex scenes.
- If Anon has curtains up I don't imagine there's much of a logical reason for Jun to stay under the blankets on the couch all of the time. Maybe give her a few random spots that she could sit/stand around in the room. Possibly some more options for ways to spend time with her other than just random chatting or sex based on where she's standing or what she's doing. I find it hard to believe that she'd be okay with just sitting on the couch all hours of the day waiting to talk to Anon or have sex with him if she's capable of being bored.
- Another thing that's been mentioned by a few others. More locations. I think it would be quite cool, and potentially quite cute, to be able to take Jun on dates, even within the apartment. Have them play board games/video games together, watch movies, etc. Maybe if we're able to pull off a convincing disguise for her we could even take her out. I know Anon is generally fairly paranoid, but maybe if Jun were to try and convince him otherwise he'd cave. Maybe there's some parts online that could make her able to pull off a more convincing disguise, or maybe she'd just have to wear a hoodie and stuff to pull it off.