What this game needs the most urgently is polish. Some design choices are poorly executed, and there are frequent game-breaking bugs during battle.
The worst offenders are the H scenes, which cause time-shattering mayhem for a good portion of the battle afterward: characters’ turn get randomly skipped, enemies play their turn simultaneously, or during your own character’s turn… (I’ve had occurences of two characters mutually knocking each other’s, which doesn’t sound like it should be possible.)
The battle also could use some visual clarity. The camera movements, (teleporting around whenever someone makes a move), actually makes it hard to follow what’s going on; I’d rather have a completely fixed camera. There’s also a parallax effect between the characters on the field and the field itself, making it look like they slide around whenever the camera moves.
When one of the girls is attacked, her health bars are not displayed, only the last girl to have taken a turn has hers displayed. More so, the first layer of the Lust bar does not always completely fill up when a girl reach 100+. This all just add to the confusion of the battles.
Finally, retreating from the from the forest causes you to forsake all gathered loot (as if you’d never entered to begin with), but engaging in battle and loosing lets you keep the loot ? What’s the point of retreating then ? This just makes it so the best way to gain money and prepare for a fight, is too give up on healing the girls at the monastery, give up on avoiding dangerous encounters, and just mindlessly send them back in the forest at 200 lust, until you have enough gold to fully heal them. (Which half the times, costs 100g instead of the adverstised 50g.)
Otherwise, the graphics are gorgeous; these are definitely the strongest point of the game. Having voice acting was unexpected, but very welcome and enjoyable. The Spine animations looks fine most of the time, but there are some H-scenes where something feels off. (Mostly: mouseXgoblin and Jess alone.)