This was awesome! Nosegrinds and transporting children were easily my favourite parts. It didn't seem like I could grind a child, but I kept trying.
I found getting the goals a little cryptic and tricky, but I'm not too sure how to improve upon what's here. I've never tried making a goat simulator or Tony Hawk game myself. My instinct would be too try compress the level a bit so that the triggers for the goals are closer together or even overlapping so that completing the tasks happens faster (and more often by accident). And I'd also try make the wipeouts cost less momentum or happen in fewer circumstances, I felt like I was spending a lot of time upside down waiting for my horse to fix itself after colliding with an object that I had no hope of avoiding (as I was travelling so fast).
Also, with some more sound effects (clip clop) I think the humour would be even funnier. The audio while not wearing a hat was kind of eerie, like a half-attended school cafetaria during a pandemic, and it wouldn't take much to make the audio really immerse the player in the Tony Horse fantasy. I think the realistic ambience starts in this direction, juxtapposing the flip-horse against a Tony Hawk audio-pallette, but obviously there's a lot missing audio-wise (unless I've missed something and there was an error on my side).