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What can I say?

I have seen and heard many things in my life, but this, THIS...

What can I even begin with? I'm at a loss of words.

This is a masterpiece. This game feels like what I've been waiting my entire life. I can just say that when Amicus went through that door and that I was left alone, all I could do was crying.

Let me be honest, when I first downloaded the game, I was here just for some sex scenes. Little did I know there were at the end of the game. When I understood I'd have to play before getting them, I deleted all data, and restarted the game, thinking:

"Hey, maybe this game is kinda cool"

And I played it.

And I loved it.

And I still love it.

Slowly, I began to realize that this game was beautiful. First off, let me tell you I never had anything like a celibrity, or character crush. So imagine my confusion when I admitted I had real, strong, long lasting feelings for a wolf sprite in a video game. The character construction is pure perfection. I won't make a long paragraph on this, I risk being overly lyrical, but... The way Amicus talks, the way the Human talks, it just... Feels like me, it feels like what I could say, or what I could think. The strength of some music tracks for example, tracks like "Memories" or "Romance" or hell, even "Reveal (2)" is just mind blowing. All the tears I cried because of these tracks, damn...

Honestly, I even struggle writing this right now, because this is too much. I'm way too emotionally involved in Adastra to write a well-written comment. 

This game broke me in so many way but also built me. Now... Even if we ain't sure the Human and Amicus are gonna see each other again, I don't care. I know I'll always love that bastard. One day I just want to wake up in a red blanket, held tight by a big fluffy warm form, being soothed back to sleep by his slow breathe...

I know it's delusional and I don't really care at this point. But I do believe that somewhere in our Galaxy, a big wolf awaits for his fate and one day we shall meet up.

This visual novel made me feel alive and it's all that matters. Everything is close to perfection, the writing, the characters, the story...

Fuck all those so-called straight and non-furry "writers" that play the game and bitch about here.

I still hurts a little when I see that EchoProject is focusing on other games, rather than working on Interea and Khemia. I really *really* hope, that one day we'll get to see our Wolf again.

Also, there are so many secrets in this game we still can't answer. At the very beginning, the Human dreams of a Portal...? And what's that horse that breathes flies attached to a beheaded wolf?

To the Stars.

(NB: Please Alexios, die <3)

Exactly me