That was a charming short RPG! I'll get the main negative out of the way right at the top... the combat was not very enjoyable, largely because battles stretched on way too long. It also didn't feel like there was much strategy, or even a difference between the 2 characters mechanically.
With that out of the way, I enjoyed the wacky story. Kudos for fulling voice acting it all! Not something you see very often in a jam game. While I didn't love the combat, I enjoyed the wide variety of minigames and interactive segments.
Graphically, while a little rough around the edges, I'd take this over the polished but overused default RPG maker art any day. It has style and personality that set it ahead of a lot of other RPG maker games I've played.
The length felt just right for the game. With snappier and more engaging combat, it could be a little longer and still work. (Thoughts for future installments)
Overall, I enjoyed my time playing this! Great work!