The movement felt really good after I figured out how to exploit rolling + double jumping, it gave me that ninja feeling :)
I don't know if there's any private messaging on itch, but I'll ask some quick programming questions right here for now. First, did you seperate the world into sections for graphics rendering and/or activating enemies? I've been thinking about this myself when programming & reading about how other games do it, but wondering if it's even necessary for a 2d game considering how powerful modern computers are. I thought maybe you just have everything activated all the time after seeing how bats follow you between areas & there's no loading or transition when switching areas, except the camera panning.
The other main thing, how did you do the minimap? I was wondering if it was just rendered from the collision tilemap. It also looked like there was some kind of "fog of war" or "line of sight" used for revealing the minimap. I have never implemented a minimap, but I want to work on it soon since it's such a big deal in metroidvanias. I kind of like the idea that you can approach minimap programming like it's a sub-game where you control the pixel moving around the minimap while you control your hero in the real game. It looks like you might have used a system like that & I was curious how it worked exactly.