This game isn't bad but I feel there are a lot of little annoying things that could have been done in a better way:
- I would say it's quite frustrating at the beginning as you're trying to figure out how to reach a longer distance since you're falling super fast and can't keep up until you finally get your hands on some better upgrades.
- The jump mechanism is a bit weird, there's like a strange cooldown which makes you fail if you're not perfectly synced.
- Once you get the 30k plane (or even the 80k) and are better at jumping, it's almost impossible to fall.
- Background feels very empty to me: there are a few mountains and then it's a solid color. There's no visual or UI indication about your current height despite the stars you can collect and the lil arrow pointing to the moon.
- There is a bug with the 80k plane: I purchased it and still got my money untouched.
- I wasn't able to buy the 50 stars upgrade, I don't know why (I got 70).
- We're clearly missing some feedback when interacting in the shop (sound, effects, something).
- The "boss" implementation is a bit light to me here: it is just here at the beginning during a cutscene, then it's gone. Same goes for the "on the edge" theme, you explained that it's because you jump of a mountain: I feel it's not enough, it could be part of the actual gameplay somehow.
Hope it will help!