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I purchased the Mac version - I'm running a Mac Pro with El Capitan 10.11.4 (15E65) and Adobe After Effects CC 2015.2 (13.7.2).

I installed it by putting the extension to /Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2015/Plug-ins/Effects

Every time I make a comp and select PixSort as its effect, the program immediately crashes.

/Library/Logs/CrashReporter doesn't have anything inside, so I can't give you any diagnostics.

So I updated my Adobe After Effects* to version 2015.3 ( Tried again, crash happens, Logs absent.

So, I googled around and I realised that I have to manually enable the logging feature. It's here:

*) I realise updating isn't necessarily the wisest thing to do because now I can no longer test the previous version, but oh well. At least I can confirm that the crash happens with both versions.

Thank you for the log. Looking into it!

(1 edit)

Problem has been fixed and updated build has been uploaded onto the page!

I have now tried the updated plug-in with the aforementioned Mac Pro setup and can confirm it works.

Thanks again!

No problem! Thank you for your support!