This is simple but understandable and clear game. Goal is not sure, but while playing a while you are getting it. You should make the enemies more clear to detect and be able to care fast: some slime just appears the spot where i'm right jumping into! Also the starting as a entry could be more interesting. I don't either know what to do with the collected white objects. You exported this way too soon it think, you should give it to someone for to test and then make a some needed changes.
Viewing post in You Will Die jam comments
Well it is a little late for testing, regretfully. My main focus was to throw the player in a multi-tiered boss fight. I do have a few plans for improvement. Such as, more indication on where to put the white orbs, a delay on the spike(slime) collision shape, a more visual indication of when to expect the spikes(slime)/rocks, clearing the level after death, and a more reasonable respawn. I showed it to a few people, but few actually played it as I don't really circulate in the circles of people that test games. Thank for your honest opinion.