Hi there Walldeaf! I've just finished the demo and wanted to give some feedback. :)
I noticed you made the introduction cutscene shorter. I think this was a good idea because it tells the player what they need to know quickly and allows them to get straight to battling and exploring right away.
I like the profiles that appear when a party member is introduced.
The battle system is very fun, all the party members were useful. I ended up fighting a lot of battles just so I buy all the skills for Brenda. I'm also happy that Brenda starts off with a bow and a boomerang, instead of asking the player to pick one.
Brenda and Nathalie are adorable together lol. I liked the little dance they did when they found the water crystal, and how Jake awkwardly tried to join in lol.
The music is great.
The game has great presentation, I liked the status menu and how it has the party member and a picture of their hometown. I liked how you included a story recap. I was also happy you kept the "moo" noise when the player gets a trophy. It's very amusing lol. I also think it's cool you evented so many things (the stat tickets, Brenda's level up screen, the scan ability, the title screen) yourself instead of just using a script. Very creative! The mapping was also really good as well.
I liked how there are different ways for the characters to get their skills (using a skill over and over, leveling up, buying from the skill shop or getting it from the senseis at the dojo)
I liked how the trophies give you exp and money. Gives the player more reason to try and get them all.
I liked how the dungeons were short as well and don't overstay their welcome.
I found a typo (Chaos is misspelled as "Choas")
I'm not sure what Pancake Power does. I don't think the lady selling it tells you. I bought a pancake and I didn't notice anything different and I feel like it didn't last that long for it too be helpful.
I think the scan ability should also show the enemy's elemental weakness as well.
The game crashed twice because of the Sleek Pop Up script. At the Chaos Shrine, when I phased through the metal gate and opened the secret treasure chest, the game crashed. The second time it crashed, was at the Mystic Shrine where I fought a skeleton that gives you 2500 Rella when you defeat it.
Final Thoughts
I had a lot of fun playing this game. Great work! :)