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Thank you for taking the time to play my game and for leaving detailed feedback! I really appreciate it!

Thanks for saying the boss fight attacks were cool! I knew what to expect when playtesting, so I guess I never ended up needing to wait around too much, I should definitely play with tweaking the timing on his decision making to give more opportunities to attack and less wait time!

It wasn't an excuse to plug the theme, I designed this game from the ground up when the theme was announced based on that idea - this entire game was inspired by the theme and only exists because of it. You are absolutely correct that I probably should have made the swords colors a little more obvious to make the tip a little more clear for sure, and I definitely agree that the mechanic ended up not making nearly as much of an impact on gameplay as I wanted it to! If I had had the time, I definitely would have redrawn the animations and extended the hitboxes to make the edge fighting way more obvious, but only so much time in a jam, lol!

Yeah, I wanted to make it easy enough to get through the opening level without too much difficulty, and the result of that ended up being more or less that you can just rush through it. I prefer going for that because although I can fight the bats without too much difficulty, I didn't want any players to end up stuck and not making it to the boss because they couldn't, like, fight the bats or something, haha! I think if I were releasing this as a full game, I would have left the early level much less forgiving, but balancing a game for a jam is an entirely different beast, haha!

Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate it! :D