Thank you for making a VR game! It was well done, even though you had less than the full time. Since many may be unable to play your game, I'll give you some extra feedback!
1. You should always warn players to remain seated if using continuous movement in a VR game. I believe this is a MUST because motion sickness can affect anyone. I played using HTC Vive in room-scale and got sick after about 10m.
2. A related point, I didn't feel moving was even necessary. You could have placed everything in reach. Movement was really just a pain that didn't make the game any more interesting.
3. Why not outdoors? A fire inside doesn't make sense, and having the action take place around a campfire would have added a lot to the aesthetic of the environment and feel of Autumn.
4. The main menu scene is GREAT, but the bland UI/text ruins it. It only takes 5m to find an appropriate font on and give your buttons a background/color.
We need more of them and we need to get better at making them. Good job! :)