Nothing in the story indicates MC's powers would work on males.
Even if playing all powerful illithid would be interesting. You have to have clear restrictions on what characters can and cannot do. That helps story to stay consistent and keep stakes interesting. Giving MC power to charm or dominate males out of the blue now would create entire multitude of continuity problems and would force game dev to consider who else can be charmed and how would it effect the plot. That trait would have needed to be included much earlier in the development or it needs to be included much latter where it does not create continuity problems with material that is already out. Also currently writer has a clear cut tool he can use to give MC a tough fight or completely counter his ability's. Throw a competent male fighter at him. Most powers MC has are good at dealing with females poor or weak against males. Any story requires elements you can use to keep MC's powers in check so you can have interesting situations. Removing male immunity to awaken or dominate just means you would need to pull out of your ass another way you can create limits for MC. In short from story creation perspective it's a really bad idea.
Giving MC powers to awaken or dominate males would completely make organization irrelevant. They would not be able to do anything to MC or his allies at that point. Writer would need to give organization robots or synthetics at that point to keep them any way relevant.
If you want a game that has some male on male action and is similar to this one. I think Symphonic Love has many male characters you can go on dates.