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Awesome work for such a small team. Multiple characters to choose from, difficulty options, dialogue, great sound design and wonderful art! An excellent jam entry I enjoyed my time with.

As noted, an option to skip dialogue entirely would be great. Also, you might have to set it so the character dies upon exiting the game room. I thought I was being clever in the intro and jumped off the top of the roof on the left side and just kept falling forever I guess:

I thought the art and camera view choice was great. I know it was assets, but that still takes a lot of work. I felt like a little cog in a big machine. Just another worker. This is not game related, but page related. When you export the sprites you wanted to use for your background and header image, make sure you increase the size at full multiples, so 100, 200, 300 percent so you don't end up with the muddy, aliased edges. Because I know the game art is excellent looking, but it looks like you didn't scale it up when designing your page. Also make sure to turn on nearest-neighbor/hard edges and don't anti-alias. At least those are the steps for Photoshop, but I'm sure there are equivalents in Aseprite, Gimp or other pixel editing software.

Great work. Your team did an excellent job with this.

Thank you for playing and for the detailed feedback!

I should've probably put the deathbox on the first tutorial, I've actually found the double jump bug but didn't think of adding it, woops.

I did not know about keeping it at full multiples, thank you so much for that! =)