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For a 2 week project this already looks pretty promising. Jumping and attacking feels really good and heavy, and mecha-form feels appropriately more powerful. Even though the weapons don’t do much now, they feel good to fire. I find it hard to properly aim with the grenade launcher though, are you planning on adding 8-direction shooting?

Since you’re mostly focusing on taking out bugs, I’m gonna point some out;

  • Switching weapons in mecha mode breaks player movement until you jump again
  • Mecha mode’s double jump automatically jumps forward and makes it unable to change direction (this might be on purpose though, since zero-suit offers more mobility
  • Shooting and jumping seems to peak the jump too early

Great feedback, very helpful :)

Not sure what to do with the grenade launcher, might be scrapped in favor of a different weapon type, it feel outta place imo. We'll see.

Switching weapons and mecha mode - yeah forgot all about that one, whoops. Easy enough fix.

Yeah the jetpack only launching forward is on purpose, if you hold down the fire button, it slows your descent like a glide. I need to make the jetpack movement more obvious, adjust the angle a little too.

I'm looking into bringing in jump sustain and tweaking with gravity. 

Maybe some of these issues will be fixed within the weekend.
