Name your folders, DD21 build tells me nothing among the others (also New Unity Project Configuration). I'm not reading the greeting wall of text. The button at the bottom to start the game is not obvious. Thanks for having Alt+Enter. There's no "Pause" menu, which, along with sounds still playing on alt+tabbing, is horrible. "[E] Credits" doesn't do anything. I don't like having 50% of my screen masked and the other 50% having a grainy filter with 1m of visual distance. No mask would be fine. I wanted to change the mouse sensitivity. [E] doesn't do anything at all until randomly it does, then 3 screens change and I'm with a mask somewhere else again, which is too random to get me to be afraid. Saw a light in the second room, ran into a corner on the opposite side, it disappeared, ran around the room with the columns for good 2 min, then fell off somewhere into blackness. Also no way to exit the game or minimize.
There's potential after some heavy reconstruction. Judging from the other comments, though I haven't even played the game yet.