Day Two. I got up at lunchtime to have breakfast because I had spent most of the night before finishing and implementing the running animations. That set the whole day off track. In my plan I was supposed to create and implement roll and attack animations for the player, however by 2:00 in the morning I hadn't even started the attack animations. Great, I'm already behind schedule. I decided to call it a night and push attack animation to the next morning, which is when I'm writing this now. I managed to complete attack animations in two hours, but now both rolling and attacking have very slight graphical bugs I'll have to iron out at some point down the road
In total what I managed on day two (including this morning) was:
- Create roll movement
- Create and implemented roll animations
- Create and implemented attack animation
For the rest of the day I hope to get a start on enemy AI as well as a basic design. However most importantly I need to sleep so I can work more in the morning. I'm new to game dev, with this being hopefully the first game I finish, which is probably a bad idea as I'm not only throwing myself in the deep end but I have no idea how long each task could take me, so I'll probably end up scaling back the scope depending on how far behind I get