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(1 edit) (+2)

Edit: Highly recommend anyone that enjoys the demo to go back this on Kickstarter.
At time of posting, it's still a little short of the baseline goal, with only 4 days left to support it.


Just finished my first playthrough of the available snippet.

I really like the Embrace/Reject approach to acquiring personality traits.
That's a very clever little feature, and neatly avoids the pitfalls of other personality/morality systems.

There's the odd typo I've noticed in the demo, but I assume those will be checked over and fixed for/following full release.
(Ones I noticed were an instance of 'they/them' pronouns being paired with "has" instead of "have", and a dialogue option that mentioned going East when the instruction was West.)

The characters are interesting and distinct, and they all react fairly understandably to their circumstances.
I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about each of them. ... though I know exactly who my least favourite is already.

It's especially cool to see that it seems certain dialogue/action options are accurately reflected in how characters respond to the protagonist.
Thinking specifically of the fact that, as soon as it was clear Subject 1 couldn't (safely) see for himself, I started picking any options I could to give a clear description for him. Which he notes later!

Another major positive: excellent accessibility options.
Really nice to see devs give due consideration to accessibility, and even provide multiple settings (including no time limit) for QTEs.

Thanks for the demo!


Thank you very much for your kind words, and for making us aware of those mistakes. It's really helpful.

Do you remember where that wrong verb conjugation after they/them was? We've made a thorough search, but can't find it. Maybe we're simply tired from everything going on right now :)

Apparently my memory of the 'have/has' typo was backwards.

It's in the character description:
"[playername], like their companions, have no memories from before Sublime set them free."


Ah, thank you! We'll make the changes for the next update.